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Welcome to the Astrophysics Rumor Mill

During the next few months, rumors will be updated according to rumor volume. To ensure fast posting of rumors, please clearly state whether rumors are for faculty or postdoc/fixed term positions.

The Postdoc Accord in Theoretical High Energy Physics

In addition, we present an analysis of data from the postdoc Rumor Mill, which gives a picture of the current hiring landscape in the field. We emphasize the importance of preserving a universal deadline, and the current results of our survey show broad support for a shift to a later date.

32 Postdoc jobs in Mathematics

Find Postdoc jobs in Mathematics here. To have new jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

AstroBetter | Rumor Mill Faculty-Staff 2022-2023

The rumors posted here are often not accurate. If you need to make an important time-critical decision based on the status of a job opening, we strongly encourage you to get your information from the official search committee, not this page.

jobpostings2020 [CM/AMO Rumor Mill]

Please help to keep this list updated with all 2020 job postings that are relevant to: Condensed matter experiment and theory, Atomic, molecular and optical experiment and theory, Materials science, Nanoscience, Quantum information science, And other fields. Importantly: we welcome all faculty positions as well as technical research staff ...

archive:2022 [Particle Physics Rumor Mill]

Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill. Thu Jul 04, 2024. Disclaimer: The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate.

f23 [ Optical Science Academic Job Rumors]

Non-permanent and Postdoc jobs should be posted at the Postdoc Hiring Rumor Mill . Send questions/problems to Optica's OU TG-Chair [email protected] .

start [ Optical Science Academic Job Rumors]

This Rumor Mill is inspired by the CMO/AMO Physics Rumor Mill, but is focused on posting seeking applicants with interdisciplinary backgrounds common to the laser optical sciences. It is a place to search and post institutional-based jobs for applicants who are talented with (esp. ultrafast) optics and laser sciences. Please help to keep this …

Particle Theory Job Market | Not Even Wrong

The imbalance between the large number of new PhDs and postdocs, and very few permanent jobs is quite remarkable. According to the postdoc rumor mill, this year already 8 people have accepted postdocs in Princeton, at the university and the IAS, making this small segment of the community large enough to fill almost all the available …

postdoc [ Optical Science Academic Job Rumors]

This Rumor Mill is inspired by the CMO/AMO Physics Rumor Mill, but is focused on posting seeking applicants with interdisciplinary backgrounds common to the laser optical sciences. It is a place to search and post institutional-based jobs for applicants who are talented with (esp. ultrafast) optics and laser sciences. Please help to keep this list …

The Postdoc Accord in Theoretical High Energy Physics

The Postdoc Accord in Theoretical High Energy Physics. Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib. | First 5 Authors: Djuna Croon, Patrick J. Fox, Roni Harnik, Simon Knapen, Mariangela Lisanti. | Summary: deadline to later in January or February. This survey, which served for. better served by a later date. In addition, we present an analysis of data from.

Resources | High Energy Theory Group

PHYSICS PAPERS: arxiv inspire hepnames Brown University Library e-journals Off-campus access to e-journals Brown Library catalog DOE's vast production of full-text R&D gray literature issued since January 1995. Information Bridge JOBS CONFERENCES FORUMS: Inspire jobs Inspire conferences PhysNet Physics Web Theoretical Physics Jobs Rumor …

HEP Theory Postdoc Rumor Mill

The "Latest Rumors" sheet provides a list of the most recent rumor mill activity, while the "Rumor Mill" tabs give a complete overview of all postdoc offers, acceptances, and declines sorted by institution or by first name.

AstroBetter | Rumor Mill 2019-2020

Evaluation results sent on 4 Feb. Offers made including Suhail Dhawan (Cambridge) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Fellowship position, Heidelberg ( ad) Due November 30, 2019. Some candidates invited for interviews including Francesca Rizzo. Offer made to Shany Danieli (declined).

Cmamo Rumor Mill

Astrophysics jobs rumor mill faculty amp staff recent revisions postdoc ... cmamo jobs rumor theoretical particle physics jobs rumor mill hep postdoc .... normal_5fcd686caee21.pdf, id card design cdr file, how to trick an idiot instagram, normal_5fbf2de87e621.pdf, normal_5fd17386d200f.pdf, cmamo rumor mill ....

facultyshuffle2022 [CM/AMO Rumor Mill]

Faculty Shuffle for 2022. Give the community something to talk. about at lunch! Who. Current Location. New Location. Reason. Graeme Smith. JILA/Boulder.

UK Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill

The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room. HOME • SEARCH • OLD ARCHIVE CGI ROOM • PRIVACY • CONTACT • DONATE. Breaking Stories. Welcome!(Compressed Listing) POOFness for OCT 2 '22: While You See A Chance hobie -- Monday, 2-Jan-2023 00:42:47 151 articles -- Newest posted Sunday, 7-Jul-2024 21:29:05...

gr-qc rumour mill

There will be some overlap with both the Theoretical Particle Physics Postdoc Rumor Mill and the Astrophyiscs Jobs Rumor Mill, but we really want to restrict it a bit more to the more theoretical side of gravity physics.

archive:2020 [Particle Physics Rumor Mill]

Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill. Sept. 30, 2019. Disclaimer: The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate.

HEP Theory Postdoc Rumor Mill

What is the HEP postdoc rumor mill? This is a page where people may submit rumors regarding postdoc job offers. This information can help facilitate the postdoc market and optimize the matching of applicants with institutions. I saw my name on the rumor mill, but I didn't send in the rumor. Can

Rumor mills spread word on who's hot and who's hiring

Web-based jobs rumor mills saw their start in theoretical particle physics in 1994. John Terning and Michael Dugan were postdocs at Boston University when, frustrated with the job market—Dugan had been a postdoc for 10 years—they started keeping tabs online of current academic job searches in their field.

The Rumor Mill

Mill Landing. Mill Landing

HEP Theory Postdoc Rumor Mill

The "Latest Rumors" sheet provides a list of the most recent rumor mill activity, while the "Rumor Mill" tabs give a complete overview of all postdoc offers, acceptances, and declines sorted by institution or by first name. Corrections can be sent to the administrator via postdocrumor [at] gmail [dot] com.


Would extending the response deadline unreasonably extend second and third-round offers for many weeks/months? Data from the postdoc rumor mill sheds some light on this question. Over the last six hiring seasons, 90% of all offers in a given year were accepted within two weeks of the Jan 7 deadline, and 95% within three weeks.

Latest from the Rumor Mill | Not Even Wrong

This data came from the Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill, and Erich Poppitz has done an excellent job of putting some statistics together based on this data (see here ). In recent years Erich's data shows a much lower number of such positions (10-15/year), due to some combination of the bad economy and lack of enthusiasm for ...

AstroBetter | Rumor Mill Faculty-Staff 2020-2021

Due April 15, 2021. First round interview request May 14, including Ashkbiz Danehkar. APEx, MPIA (Heidelberg), tenure-track staff positions ( ad) Due Dec. 1 2020, first-round interviews sent January 13. Interviews include Clara …

Patrick Meade

I am currently a Professor in the C.N. Yang Insititute for Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook University. I joined the YITP in 2009 after having completed my PhD in high energy theoretical physics from Cornell University in 2006 and spending time as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and the Institute for Advanced Study . My research interests …


This is the 2023-2024 HEP-Experiment faculty (tenure-track or permanent position) rumor mill. No guarantees of accuracy here. For more information on our posting policies, see The Fine Print. To submit rumors or corrections, or to help fill in missing information from past years, email hepexrumor

Some questions about math postdoc offers

Here's a little more detail about timing of math postdocs offers, since that seems to be a particular focus of this question. What I'll describe applies only to research-oriented postdoctoral positions offered by mathematics departments in the U.S. Tenure-track jobs and anything teaching-focused are on a somewhat different schedule, and …

Career Prospects for HEP-TH Students | Not Even Wrong

Back when I was writing Not Even Wrong, I did some detailed research into whatever information I could find about the HEP-TH job market, but I haven't tried to do this more recently. Erich Poppitz did some analysis of data from the Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill (available here ), but only up to 2017. Given the large investment of …

Math Postdoc Rumors | Math Job Rumors Board

Post by Anon on Feb 16, 2008 10:05:38 GMT -5. This is what I got at the bottom of the 'status' page: Division of Mathematical Sciences Workforce in the Mathematical Sciences Program General Information for Proposers This year the Workforce Program expects to review about 221 competing proposals, including renewals, and to award about 30% of …

Rumor Mill 2023-2024 is up and running!

The Rumor Mill ready for the new season is now up and running: Postdoc and Term and Faculty and Staff. The archives from previous years remain available. As a reminder, here the AAS Policy on Postdoc positions: The AAS Council has passed (1988) and reaffirmed (2003) a resolution stating that no postdoctoral position should require a …

Nuclear Theory Postdoc Rumor Mill

This is a page where people may submit rumors regarding postdoc job offers related to nuclear theory. It is hoped that this information helps optimize the matching of applicants and institutions.

AstroBetter | Rumor Mill 2021-2022

Applications encouraged before March 20, 2022. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology & Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group at the University of Cape Town (UCT) ( ad) New position. Now accepting applications until end April 2022. 51 Pegasi b Fellowships ( ad) Applications due Oct. 1, 2021.

AstroBetter | Rumor Mill 2012-2013 Postdoc-Term

Caltech Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics ( ad) David Radice, Jim Fuller + 1 year KITP, Drew Clausen, Andrew Wetzel (joint with Carnegie), James Guillochon (declined), Peter Behroozi (declined). Short list includes Francesca Valsecchi. Caltech WISPs/UUDF with Teplitz ( ad) Some interviews scheduled.

Rumor Mill 2021-2022 is alive and kicking!

Rumor Mill 2021-2022 is alive and kicking! The Rumor Mill ready for the new season is now up and running: Postdoc and Term and Faculty and Staff. The archives from previous years remain available. As a reminder, here the AAS Policy on Postdoc positions: The AAS Council has passed (1988) and reaffirmed (2003) a resolution stating …

history [Particle Physics Rumor Mill]

History of the Rumor Page. One does not normally associate the high-brow world of particle physics with rumors and gossip-mongering, but the tight academic job market has lead to several web sites that provide rumors of job openings, short lists, offers, and actual hirings. These web sites have adopted the nickname of "rumor mills" and …

Columbia Math Department's comments on EJMR « XJMR

One aspect of the site are threads devoted to rumors about tenure track and postdoc hiring in pure math, I don't know if there has been something like this before. In theoretical physics there's the venerable Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill and the HEP Theory Postdoc Rumor Mill, but these are run in a very different way, with all …

2023 Ultrafast Optical and Laser Science Postdoc Rumor Mill

This Rumor Mill is inspired by the CMO/AMO Physics Rumor Mill, but is focused on posting seeking applicants with interdisciplinary backgrounds common to the laser optical sciences. It is a place to search and post institutional-based jobs for applicants who are talented with (esp. ultrafast) optics and laser sciences. Please help to keep this …