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Evaluation of metal pollution characteristics using water and moss …

Luanchuan is rich in molybdenum resources, and mining activities are frequent, but over-mining can cause serious metal pollution to the local environment. To explore the degree of metal pollution caused by mining activities, the content characteristics and spatial distribution of metals in mining areas were studied by …

Mosses, epiphytic lichens and tree bark as biomonitors for …

The thesis consists of regional forest condition studies, using different biomonitors. Heavy metal deposition was investigated in 1985–2000 on the basis of the heavy metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in mosses in Finland. A comparison on the suitability of mosses, epiphytic lichens and pine bark as biomonitors of heavy …

The influence of environmental conditions on the lifespan of mosses

The aim of study was to evaluate the physiological condition of Pleurozium schreberi moss species subjected to continuous exposure for a year, using the moss-bag method, under variable environmental conditions, including atmospheric aerosol contaminated by selected analytes: Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb determined by flame atomic …

Wireless Monitoring of Environmental Parameters for Underground Mining

The mining industry is known for valuable minerals all over the world and the way to get minerals is by mining below the surface. The production, productivity, and safety of underground mine environments are affected by the environmental factors of the mines. Mining in underground areas is at high risk with high accident rates due to …

Assessment of Atmospheric Pollution by Selected Elements …

The best biomonitor of these pollutants was found to be the moss P. schreberi, which confirms previous short-term studies and offers the possibility that this species can be widely used for PAH monitoring in …

A systematic review on biomonitoring using lichen as the …

Various methods have been developed to monitor environmental quality, including biomonitoring using lichen. In this paper, a total of 143 previous stu…

Temporal and spatial biomonitoring of atmospheric heavy

The results of this study demonstrated that monitoring in different seasons and regions should be considered when biomonitoring atmospheric heavy metal pollution using moss bags in urban environments.

Moss Bags as Biomonitors of Atmospheric Microplastic …

Microplastics (plastic particles <5 mm) were first identified in the environment during the 1970s and have since become ubiquitous across every environmental compartment. However, few studies have focused on atmospheric microplastics, and even fewer have used biological monitoring to assess their …

Biomonitoring of trace metals in the atmosphere using moss …

Biomonitoring using moss is a well-developed technique employed in many parts of the world to assess the concentrations of trace elements in the atmosphere and their potential sources.

Trends in air Pollution: The Use of Mosses as Biomonitors

It reduces the time-frame spent in monitoring and the results are reliable. Several types of research have been undertaken on the spatial and temporal trends in air pollution using mosses.

Using mosses as biomonitors to study trace element …

In the present study, we used active moss monitoring with non-indigenous mosses to monitor several volcanoes for trace element emissions. Active moss monitoring has been introduced by Goodman and Roberts (1971) and was adapted by Little and Martin (1974) using moss bags.

Mosses as a biomonitor to identify elements released into …

A quick, cheap and easy way to investigate the state of the environment is to use organisms-biomonitors that indicate the level of environmental pollution. The study aimed to assess air pollution in an urban area using three moss species: Sphagnum fallax, Pleurozium schreberi and Dicranum polysetum.

Biomonitoring trace element contamination impacted by …

In China, there are no networks monitoring atmospheric contamination of trace elements in mosses at the cross-regional or national scale. In this study, we selected thirty remote mountains in China to investigate the atmospheric contamination of trace elements through moss monitoring.

Source and spatial distribution of airborne heavy metal

Detection of HM contents in mosses is an effective method to monitor atmospheric and environmental quality. The spatial distribution of HM content in mosses is metal specific and may reflect local changes in atmospheric HM deposition.

Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and …

The three species of mosses provided valuable information on the contamination of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in the urban area of the city of Loja, and therefore can be used in future air quality monitoring programs over time in tropical cities.

Using an epiphytic moss to identify previously unknown sources …

Moss is a low-cost way of mapping air pollution and has the potential to revolutionize the enforcement of environmental regulations. Using spatial modeling and high-intensity sampling, major emissions sources of cadmium can be identified within a complex urban environment.

monitoring mining environments using mosses

HoweverMonitoring Mining Environments Using Mosses. Home / Monitoring Mining Environments Using Mosses NERC JeS open date 1 June 2017 Closing date for outline proposals 16 00 on 25 July 2017 NERC is inviting proposals under this programme for public engagement consortium and capacitybuilding projects costing between 50 000 …

Monitoring air pollution with moss

The approach of using moss bags was tested on site in several countries. The created biotool ′mossphere′ has clear competitive advantages over alternative methods of monitoring. It is cheaper, has lower environmental impacts and can monitor numerous pollutants using the same device.

Indoor monitoring of heavy metals and NO2 using active monitoring …

Long-term monitoring measurements in indoor environments are missing to a large extent due to a lack of simple to operate measuring devices. Mosses proved well as biomonitors in hundreds of studies. Nevertheless, indoor use has been extremely scarce.

Moss and lichen biomonitoring of atmospheric mercury: A …

Climate change is affecting the global Hg cycle through the melting of sea-ice in coastal Polar Regions, and modifying Hg sequestration in mountain ecosystems. Despite limitations, large-scale monitoring of Hg with mosses and lichens may be used as a tool to evaluate the impact of global processes in remote ecosystems.

Measuring & monitoring mine environmental performance

Historically, mining companies have seen environmental performance (which requires monitoring and compliance metrics) as a cost base or a simple overhead which needs to be minimised. However, this is slowly changing. "More local and regional communities are starting to place social and environmental demands on mine sites …

The Application of Active Biomonitoring with the Use of Mosses …

The use of biological indicators of environmental quality is an alternative method of monitoring ecosystem pollution. Various groups of contaminants, including organic ones, can be measured in environmental samples. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have not yet been determined by the moss bag technique. This …

Monitoring of heavy metal concentrations in home outdoor air using moss

One monitoring station is insufficient to characterize the high spatial variation of traffic-related heavy metals within cities. We tested moss bags ( Hylocomium splendens ), deployed in a dense network, for the monitoring of metals in outdoor air and characterized metals' long-term spatial distribution and its determinants in Girona, Spain.

Monitoring nitrogen accumulation in mosses in central

In order to assess whether nitrogen (N) loads in mosses reflect different land uses, 143 sites in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Weser-Ems Region and the Euro Region Nissa were sampled between 2000 and 2005. The data were analysed statistically with available surface information on land use and forest conditions. N bioaccumulation in …

Lichens and Mosses as Biomonitors of Indoor Pollution

Biomonitoring in indoor environments is a recent application, and so far, indoor air quality (IAQ) has been investigated only in a few cases using photosynthesising biomonitors. On the whole, 22 studies have been selected and reviewed, being specifically focused on the assessment of IAQ using biomonitors, such as lichens (9 papers), …

Bioindicators: Using Organisms to Measure Environmental …

Bioindicator species effectively indicate the condition of the environment because of their moderate tolerance to environmental variability (Figure 1). In contrast, rare species (or species ...

Heavy metal analysis around Murgul (Artvin) copper mining …

This research investigates heavy metal pollution around one of the most important mining areas in Turkey, the Murgul mining, by means of analyzing moss and soil samples collected in the neighborhood of the copper mining at different distances.

Air Quality Assessment by Moss Biomonitoring and Trace …

ABSTRACT Carpet-forming moss species are useful tools for monitoring the atmospheric deposition of pollutants like metals, organic compounds, nitrogen, and more recently, microplastics. Even with a dense sampling scheme, moss biomonitoring could extend the environmental study to national and/or continental scales. Moss species …

Metal(loid) accumulation in aquatic plants of a mining area: …

This investigation indicates that the studied aquatic mosses reflect part of the pollutant loadings released in the past in the Erzgebirge area of which remnants are still present in the environment.

Spatial and temporal changes of heavy metal concentrations in mosses

The mosses have been widely used as bioindicators to investigate pollution and changes of heavy metals in different countries and regions. For a better understanding of the environmental changes in the past 40 years in Shanghai, one of the largest cities in the world, we studied the spatial and temporal changes of five heavy metal depositions in …