The negative health effects of cement plant exposure are well-known in industrial settings, but they are less well-known among the general public who live near plants. The broad objective of the review was to provide a detailed systematic analysis of the global situation of the cement industry, including generation, pollution, impact on …
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 Published under GN R982 in GG 38282 of 4 December 2014. [with effect from 8 December 2014] as amended by GN 326 in GG 40772 of 7 April 2017 1. GN 706 in GG 41766 of 13 July 2018 GN 599 in GG 43358 of 29 May 2020 GN 517 in GG 44701 of 11 June 2021 2.
Act 2004 to provide legal backing for the execution of environmental impact assessment. Impact assessment procedures have also been integrated in the planning and decision-making arrangements in many Ministries, Local Government development activities and Private sector initiatives through policies, legislations, guidelines and other provisions.
This report provides information and guidance on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) good practice. It is intended as a resource for those who are involved in EIA/SEA practice, training and professional development. Particular emphasis is given to concepts, procedures and …
The term Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), in its most basic sense, can be broken down for the understanding of a layman, as the gauging or estimation of the 'Impact' any project, program, or policy may have on the surrounding 'Environment,' during or after its implementation. It is considered an effective tool to ensure sustainable …
Since cement production is a complex process that uses enormous amounts of raw materials and energy, it is important to evaluate its environmental impact and investigate how the industry should follow best practices. Life Cycle Assessment LCA is a valuable method for assessing the environmental impacts of cement production.
An Environmental Impact Assessment report must be prepared for projects or activities that may seriously affect the community in terms of environmental quality, natural resources, and health, and a process for public hearing and stakeholders should be established. The person who prepares the report according to the …
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systemic process which identifies, predicts and evaluates potential positive and negative impacts that a proposed project may have on the environment in its totality that is, physical, biological and socio-economic aspects. It is from the EIA process that enhancement and mitigation measures are ...
This article examines legislation and practice concerning the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for oil and gas projects in Nigeria. It argues that although EIAs have become a standard ...
prior to discharge into the surrounding environment. This will significantly improve the life of the surrounding s. Moreover, the Dire Dawa City Administration, particularly its Health Office, Environmental Protection Authority and Urban Development and Management Office has to make efforts to closely monitor the operation of cement ...
Cement is a pillar to develop infrastructures in Ethiopia. At the same time, cement production affects the local environment and nearby communities. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse the local environmental impacts of the Messebo Cement Factory in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, and to identify the consequences of these impacts. A multi …
Environment Impact Assessment is a process of analyzing the positive and negative effects of a proposed project, plan, or activity on the environment. This may include studies on the weather, flora and fauna, soil, human health including physical, social, biological, economic and cultural impacts. It is one of those measures taken to ensure ...
Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment. The Guideline is intended to assist and guide prospective developers (or their consultants) with an intention to carry out Level 3 activities in Papua New Guinea ("PNG"), to meet their legal obligations under Section 51 and Section 53 of Environment Act 2000 (the "Act").
Similarly, a lot of projects have got permission with and without environmental impact assessment (EIA) in case of social, economic and environmental perspective due to poor plan projects [12].
EIA Purpose & Objectives. Planning & Developing appropriate EIA strategy & phases. Identifying and appropriately assessing the impact(s) considering the environmental concerns. EIA Reporting Mechanism Outline. Initial Screening and Scoping allows for: Narrowing down the range of issues. Setting Priorities.
The adoption of more efficient technologies has reduced the environmental impacts associated with cement manufacturing in China during the period 1996–2021, according to a life-cycle assessment ...
The objective of this Technical Note is to describe the necessary Bank requirements for the content and disclosure of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), with a focus on the particular issues related to cement plants. This Technical Note is a basic document and is designed to assist borrowers (project sponsors) in understanding what …
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a proactive planning and decision-making process that has an important role to play in identifying impacts, assessing risks, and evaluating the costs and benefits of development projects. Environmental impact assessment aims to avoid adverse and costly changes in the environment, to …
The environment impact assessment process was first introduced with the purpose of identifying and evaluating all potential beneficial and adverse environmental impacts of development projects by taking into account …
Concrete companies generate environmental negative impacts, which need to be studied to assess their extension and find ways to mitigate them. In this work, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to measure the impact of concrete production. Primary data (amount of cement, gravel, sand, energy, water, additives) …
Preliminary assessment - where screening suggests further assessment is needed or if there is uncertainty about the nature of potential impacts. Uses rapid assessment techniques, but provides sufficient detail to identify key impacts, their magnitude and significance, and evaluate their importance for decision-making.
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required where a proposed industrial project could result in significant adverse environmental effects. The environmental assessment process allows companies and government decision makers to examine the effects that the proposed project may have on the environment and determine if the …
EIAs are conducted in order to acquire an Environmental Authorization. There are two different types of assessments, Environmental Impact & Scoping (EIS) and Basic Assessment (BA), which are used to identify and evaluate the environmental aspects and implement mitigation measures for the project. EIAs are conducted by an independent …
The process of Environmental Impact Assessment in the context of town and country planning in England is governed by the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations ...
The environmental impact of cement and concrete production is low per unit volume of material, but the amounts used make the impact of the concrete sector highly important.
Summary. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) in food processing is carried out to quantify and understand the effects that a new development will have on its surroundings. It can be used by authorities, policy-makers, developers and food producers to make decisions on how best to produce food for an increasing world population …
The concern for environmental related impacts of the cement industry is fast growing in recent times. The industry is challenged with high environmental impact which spans through the entire production process. Life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluates the environmental impact of product or process throughout the cycle of production. This …
A life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the valuable methods for assessing the environmental impacts and sustainability of cement production.
This report presents an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Amran Cement Plant (ACP) that is currently undergoing expansion works that will increase its annual production capacity of Portland cement to more than 1,600,000 tons. At the time of this study, construction works
What are the benefits of an EIA? Identify regulatory requirements at the planning stage. Assess alternatives within and to the project. Obtain extensive baseline data. Systematically identify and assess impacts from construction, operation & closure. Incorporate mitigation measures into project design.
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) play a crucial role in ensuring sustainable development and environmental protection in the Philippines. This guide aims to provide an overview of the EIA process in the country, including its definition, legal framework, key stages, requirements, samples, FAQs and other key information.
Due to the high potential of cement plants in the creation of environmental impact, environment impact assessment of the development of cement plants is very important. To test the proposed method, the Shahrood cement plant was …
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) . A Short introduction over what EIA is, its objectives, its process, advantages and challenges in india. Also two case studies, one where EIA is implented, and other where it isnt, have been included along with the references. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) . - Download as a …
PDF | it is review paper of impacts of Cement Industries on Environment | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Our team of experienced environmental assessment consultants will guide your project through the Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) process ensuring regulatory compliance, timely approvals and optimal outcomes for the project and the environment. We draw on our skilled team of in-house ecology, heritage, engagement, social and …
This study evaluates the environmental impact of the cement production and its variations between different cement plants, using Life Cycle Impact Assessment. For that purpose, details of the cement production processes are investigated in order to show the respective part of raw materials preparation and clinker production using …
The National Environment Act introduced an internationally accepted process called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the strategy to achieve sustainable development.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of predicting and evaluating the environmental hazard & impact of a proposed project or development schemes, taking into account co-related socio-economic, culture, and impacts due to human activity, both beneficial and adverse effects.
This handbook has been prepared to enhance communities' and other interested non-technical persons' understanding of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures in Kenya with a view to promoting openness and accountability through public participation in environmental decision-making processes.
ABSTRACTCement industry is flourishing in the Middle East and North African countries due to the rapid population growth, the change in living style, and the availability of raw material in the region. Unless restricted regulations are enforced by local authorities to ensure compliance with national and international standards upon this industry, the …