Soil degradation is a global threat. Developing countries are more severely affected by soil degradation than developed countries. Ethiopia, one of the developing countries in eastern Africa, is highly threatened by soil degradation problems. Soil acidity is one of the main factors that limit and prevent profitable and sustained agricultural productivity in many …
For example, in Ethiopia, ∼43% of the cultivated land is affected by soil acidity (ATA 2014 ), of which about 28% is strongly acidic (pH 4.1–5.5) (Abebe 2007 ). …
Soil acidity can amend through application of; lime, integrate soil fertility management components, and using acid tolerant crops varieties. can treat soil pH along with supplying oxides and hydroxides of calcium and magnesium to the soil. Management of acid soil is crucial issue for enhancing crop productivity and improves …
Thus, appropriate integrated land management techniques that enable to reduce soil acidity and halt land degradation should be initiated, informed by the map produced. Regularly updating the extent and distribution of surface and sub-surface soil acidity is recommended in future studies.
Agricultural sustainability faces challenges in the changing climate, particularly for rain-fed systems like those in Ethiopia. This study examines the combined impacts of climate change and soil acidity on future crop potential, focusing on Ethiopia as a case study. The EcoCrop crop suitability model was parameterized and run for four …
As informed by the model results, integrated acid soil management efforts should be given a priority to severe soil acidity areas of western, central, northwestern, and southern parts of the country.
Soil acidity has become a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia in general and in the western part of the country in particular. An earlier study estimated that about 41% of arable lands of Ethiopia are affected by soil acidity/Al 3+ toxicity. But recently the status of most soil in western Ethiopia were became acidic though the …
Soil acidity is challenging agricultural production in Ethiopia. Above 43% of the farmland is under soil acidity problem and it leads to low crop yields and production losses.
Soil acidity can amend through application of; lime, integrate soil fertility management components, and using acid tolerant crops varieties. can treat soil pH along with supplying oxides and hydroxides of calcium and magnesium to the soil.
Different reports have indicated that there is significant soil acidity coverage in Ethiopia, particularly in the western part of the country; soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop ...
In Ethiopia, soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop productivity. The management of acid soils should aim at improving the production potential by the addition of amendments to correct the acidity, manipulate the agricultural practices and using acid tolerant crops to obtain optimum crop yields.
Mapped from ISRIC from publication: Soil acidity challenges and the significance of and organic amendments in tropical agricultural lands with reference to Ethiopia | Globally, about 30% of ...
Acidic soils are widespread in Africa and present a major crop production challenge in a region faced with multiple climatic and soil constraints. Effective management recommendations in line with the 4Rs of lime management (Right Source, Rate, Time, and Place) are necessary for optimizing the agronomic and economic …
Reviewing successful soil conservation methods in Ethiopia and their impacts on soil properties, agricultural productivity, and technical soil conservation quality are the main goals of this paper. Data were gathered from a range of sources, including publications on soil conservation, conferences, thesis works, and periodicals.
Review on the Extent of Acid Soil in Ethiopia, Its Impact and Management Methods
The Need for Targeted Application: Refinement of a comprehensive acid soil treatment and management package (lime, improved seeds, fertilizers, organic mater …
An introduction to soil acidity and for farmers and and garden performance. Topics covered include soil pH, soil testing, standards and application and incorporation of lime into soil.
Soil acidity is one of the major constraints affecting crop productivity. It affects about 43% of the cultivated land in humid and sub-humid highlands of Ethiopia.
Abstract. Soil acidity is one of the most important environmental threats to the Ethiopian highlands where the livelihood of the majority of people is reliant on …
Soil acidity is one of the chemical soil degradation problems which affect soil productivity in the Ethiopian highlands. This paper tries to put together soil acidity concept, causes,...
Soil acidity is a pressing issue in Ethiopia, more than 43% of Ethiopian farmland is affected by soil acidity problem where major staple food crops are grown, and it leads to significant crop yields reduction and in severe cases, may resulted in complete crop production loss and thereby contributed to food insecurity. The adoption of modern …
Soil acidity problems are increasing in the highland areas of Ethiopia. Application of lime coupled with fertilizer improves the productivity of crops in acid affected soils.
A participatory rural appraisal was conducted in order to understand perceived causes and indicators of soil acidity under multiple land-uses in three Districts of northwest Ethiopia.
This review paper tries to put together soil acidity management research based evidences generated recently. In the context of agricultural problem soils, acid soils are soils in which acidity dominates the problems related to agricultural land use. Soil acidity problems are increasing in the highland areas of Ethiopia.
Soil acidity has become a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia in general and in the western part of the country in particular. An earlier study estimated that about 41% of arable lands of Ethiopia are affected by soil acidity/Al 3+ toxicity. But recently the status of most soil in western Ethiopia were …
Recommendations on reclamation of acid soils need to change with new developments, such as , use of acid-tolerant crop varieties, integrated soil fertility management, and using of organic ...
Soil acidity is a critical issue requiring urgent attention in most highlands of Ethiopia because of its impact on crop production and productivity (Tessema et al., 2012; Wassie and Shiferaw, 2009 ...
Ag-lime is widely considered as an effective remedy for amending soil acidity. This study assesses the current structure of ag-lime value chain and its functionality …
Soil acidity is one of the main constraints to crop production worldwide. In Ethiopia, the problem of soil acidity has been increasing. Currently, more than 40% of cultivated land in the country has a soil pH …
About 40.9% of the total arable land of Ethiopia is affected by soil acidity, from these 27.7% moderately to weak acids with pH 5.8-6.7 and 13.2% covered by strong to moderate acidic...
Soil acidity is challenging agricultural production in Ethiopia. Above 43% of the farmland is under soil acidity problem and it leads to low crop yields and production losses. Ag-lime is widely considered as an effective remedy for amending soil acidity. ...
Ethiopia's agricultural sector plays a vital role in its economy, employing a significant portion of the population and contributing to both food security and export revenues.
Soil acidity is expanding in scope and magnitude in Ethiopia, severely limiting crop production. For example, in tef; barley, wheat and faba bean growing areas of central and southern Ethiopian highlands, farmers have shifted to producing oats which is more tolerant to soil acidity than the others [49,14].
Recommendations on reclamation of acid soils need to change with new developments, such as , use of acid-tolerant crop varieties, integrated soil fertility management, …