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Soil and Aggregate Testing

From our main Laboratory in Poole, Dorset, ACS provide quality testing and material consultancy for the construction and civil engineering industry. Since our initial UKAS Accreditation in 1990, our scope of soil and aggregate testing has steadily increased as we are now able to offer a comprehensive range of tests, carried out to both British (BS) …


Prior to surfacing, the completed aggregate base should be checked for conformity to the plan elevation and slope by string line or other method and the results recorded. Density tests and depth checks must be taken after final trimming. Job control density tests and depth checks in the sampling and testing frequency guidelines are …

The Effect of Aggregate Properties on Concrete

The shape and texture of aggregate affects the properties of fresh concrete more than hardened concrete. Concrete is more workable when smooth and rounded aggregate is used instead of rough angular or elongated aggregate. Most natural sands and gravel from riverbeds or seashores are smooth and rounded and are excellent aggregates. Crushed …

Bulk Density of Aggregates, IS: 2386 (Part- III)

Bulk Density of Aggregates, IS: 2386 (Part- III) - 1963,Bulk Density Test of Aggregates,Very important properties of aggregates used in construction,The bulk density and void percentage of aggregate can …

Proctor Compaction Test: A Basic Guide

When testing field densities, the dry unit weight from the density test is compared to the maximum dry weight from the laboratory Proctor to calculate a percent of compaction.

Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density …

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the average density of a quantity of coarse aggregate particles (not including the volume of voids between the particles), the relative density (specific gravity), and the absorption of …

Standard Specification for Graded Aggregate Material for …

This specification covers quality-controlled graded aggregates that, when hauled to and properly spread and compacted on a prepared grade to appropriate density standards, may be expected to provide adequate stability and load support for use as highway or airport bases or subbases. Coarse aggregate retained on the sieve shall …

Moisture Content and Aggregate Testing: Methods and …

In the realm of construction and materials testing, the quality of aggregates plays a paramount role in ensuring the durability and performance of concrete, asphalt, and other construction materials. Aggregates, which include crushed stone, gravel, sand, and other granular materials, constitute a significant portion of these materials. To ensure …

Application of Graded Crushed Stone Base in Urban Road …

Combining the characteristics of graded broken stone (GBS) and SRB, a pavement base structure with cement stabilized recycled masonry aggregate (CRMA) and upper base of GBS was adopted in a road project in Cangzhou City (CZC). The indoor test determined that the...

Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Tests on Aggregates

When it comes to evaluating the properties of construction materials, specific gravity and water absorption tests on aggregates play a pivotal role. These tests offer valuable insights into the strength, quality, and water-holding capacity of the materials, which are crucial considerations in various construction projects.


The most recent Aggregate Base Course (ABC) unit weight test results performed by the NCDOT M&T Soils lab can be queried using this page. Use the drop down boxes to select the company and/or quarry submitting the sample. To see the results of all tests, click on the "Search" button without specifying a company or quarry.

Recycled aggregates: Guidance for producers and …

The product standards also detail relevant aggregate testing methods, testing frequencies and how testing results are used to determine classes and categories applied to aggregate products.

Density of Cement Sand and Aggregate

The density of construction materials is their Mass per unit volume of materials. It is expressed in kg / m3 or lb / ft3 and shows the compactness of the construction material.

Aggregates and Earthworks Testing

Our in-house laboratories are equipped to provide comprehensive aggregates and earthworks testing services which meet the appropriate British and European Standards together with Highways MCHW requirements. As well as completing standard laboratory, grading, compaction and classification earthworks testing, w e also provide engineering …

Aggregate — Material Testing Expert

Aggregate testing is the process of evaluating the quality and performance of aggregate. Aggregate testing is typically performed to determine the properties of the aggregate, such as its size, shape, density, strength, and durability.

Granular Sub Base Construction and Quality Control

The GSB material shall be crushed stone aggregate free from organic and other deleterious constituents or natural river bed material having proper gradation.

Wet Mix Macadam Construction and Quality …

Coarse aggregate The coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone of identified quarry having the following physical characteristics. The WMM material should conform to the physical requirement and strength …


Test data for each aggregate type shall be managed independently. When more than one source is used for supplying materials, test data from each source and product shall be managed independently.

Section 6F-1

Laboratory compaction testing performed on subbase layers according to AASHTO T 99; Standard Proctor density shows a significant change in density and optimum water content with change in gradation in similar aggregate types.

Chapter III

3. Soils in proposed cut areas (i.e., soil classification, moisture content and moisture-density relations) for proposed reuse as compacted fill. 4. Representative samples of each soil or rock type or stratum for testing and classification in the laboratory. a. Soil samples for testing to determine particle size distribution, moisture content ...


Specifications. 2018 NCDOT Standard Specifications. Table 1005-1 Aggregate Gradation – Coarse Aggregate. Table 1005-2 Aggregate Gradation – Fine Aggregate. Table 1012-1 Aggregate for Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments. Table 1012-5 Lightweight Aggregate Physical Properties.

Aggregates Specifications | Ontario Sand, Stone & Gravel …

OSSGA is a not-for-profit industry association representing over 280 sand, gravel, and crushed stone producers and suppliers of valuable industry products and services. Collectively, our members supply the substantial majority of the approximately 164 million tonnes of aggregate consumed annually in the province to build and maintain Ontario's …

Hixtra | Aggregate Testing for the Construction Industry

Aggregates Testing. If you need to assess aggregates, stone or crushed concrete for use as capping, sub base, Type 1 or working platform material then we can help. We undertake a broad range of classification tests to asses whether material complies to a variety of specifications inducing, the 6F classes, MOT sub bases and aggregates used for ...

Testing gravel crushed stone slag recycled concrete aggregat

Aggregate is coarse particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates.

Concrete and Aggregate Testing: An ASTM How-to Guide

A how-to source for reliable concrete and aggregate testing based on following strict procedures in test methods and practices according to ASTM C136 / ASTM C231.


This test method covers the determination of bulk density ("unit weight") of aggregate in a compacted or loose condition, and calculated voids between particles in fine, coarse, or mixed aggregates based on the same determination.

Density of Construction Materials in kg/m3 and lb/ft3

Density of construction materials are its mass per unit volume of materials. It is expressed in kg/m3 or lb/ft3 and shows compactness of building material.

Soil Density Testing: 3 Test Methods You Can Count On

Gilson's Insights Blog: Soil Density Test, using sand cone, rubber balloon or nuclear density tests to measure dry density and moisture content of soil in place.

Subgrade Preparation for New Pavements

Generally, adequate density is specified as a relative density for the top 150 mm (6 inches) of subgrade of not less than 95 percent of maximum density determined in the laboratory. In fill areas, subgrade below the top 150 mm (6 inches) is often considered adequate if it is compacted to 90 percent relative density.


The material retained on the 5 mm No. 4 sieve is known as coarse aggregate. Use only coarse aggregates that are reasonably uniform in density and quality. Use only coarse aggregate having a percentage of wear not exceeding 50 percent after 500 revolutions as determined by ASTM C131/C131M.

Soils and Aggregate Testing

Aggregates are tested for strength, toughness, hardness, shape, and water absorption. In order to decide the suitability of the aggregate for use in various construction projects.

Evaluation of Compacted Aggregate Base Course Layers

The field-testing program consisted of the in-place density by the sand cone method, the dynamic cone penetration (DCP) test, the lightweight deflectometer (LWD) test, and the GeoGauge test.

Construction aggregates: evaluation and specification

Construction aggregate is a fundamental raw material for all countries. However, the testing and specification of aggregate is often overlooked or not considered. This has serious implications for the life and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure which can cost a lot of money in the future to repair or replace and at worst lead to structural failure …

Materials Manual | Manuals | WSDOT

Materials Laboratory, Engineering and Regional Operations Division. Construction Manual M 41-01. Standard Specifications M 41-10. The Materials Manual contains all the testing procedures that are agency created, modified, or adopted in part. There are 95 field operating testing procedures and 11 materials standard operating procedures.

Exploring the Potential of Pumice Stone as Coarse Aggregate …

The coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, pumice stone, and cement all underwent fundamental testing to determine their viability as concrete ingredients. The quality of the aggregates was determined through sieve analysis, while cement testing was performed to evaluate its properties.

The requirements of AS 2758.1

3.2 Test Methods and their purpose. 3.2.1 General Requirements (AS 2758.1 Section 7) 1) and Water Absorption (Clause 7.3)The particle density test is performed by taking a sample of aggregate and determining it. mass by displacing a mass of water. The result is the ratio of the density of th.

Coarse Aggregate | Overview, Characteristics

Some examples of coarse aggregate materials are crushed stone, gravel, and recycled concrete. Sand is a material that can not be used as a coarse aggregate.

Base Course Construction: Materials, Specifications, and …

Base Course and Specification and Construction and Method. (1) Placing and Spreading. For Subgrade and base course preparation, choose crushed stone aggregate within specified gradations. Ensure the largest stone particle size is between 1/2 to 2/3 of the proposed compacted base course thickness (typically 4 inches).


Test 2 is used to calculate the degree of compaction of embankments, subgrades or soil bases that contain or have been stabilized by an admixture of aggregate material (density Tests 1 and 1-A should not be used for this type of material).