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Experimental study on waste plastic replaced as a coarse aggregate …

Experimental study on waste plastic replaced as a coarse aggregate for structural concrete - Download as a PDF or view online for free

(PDF) Assessment of Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates in …

Objectives: The current manuscript presents a detailed study on physical properties of aggregates procured from all seventeen districts in Gujarat (India), having coarse aggregate availability.


Since we have to construct a large amount of concrete mass, we need large amount of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. This will exhaust naturally available source sand and aggregates which will ...

Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Broken …

The study is aimed at investigating the "Effects of Replacing Partially Coarse Aggregate with Broken Ceramic Tiles in Con-crete Production" while the objectives are to determine physi-cal properties of aggregates to be used, determine workability of fresh concrete via slump test and compacting factor test and.

Requirements or Characteristics Of A Good Fine and Coarse Aggregates

The following are the requirements of good fine aggregate: It should consist of coarse, angular, sharp & hard grains. A Good Fine Aggregates must be clean & free from coatings of clay and silt. It should not contain any organic matter. It should be free from hygroscopic salt. It should be chemically inert. It must be strong and durable.

Coconut Shell as Partial Replacement for Coarse …

at low cost, comprising 66 percent to 78 percent of the concrete. Conventional coarse aggregate namely grav. l and fine aggregate is sand in concrete will be used as control. nut Shell as Partial Replacement for Coarse Aggregate: Review213While natural material is coconut shell as course a. gregate will be investigate to replace the aggregate ...


Therefore the coconut shell as partial replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete is studied. The density, slump and compressive strength of concrete are tested. The replacement of coarse ...

Eco-friendly concrete with waste ceramic tile as coarse aggregate

The effect of waste ceramic tile as a coarse aggregate replacement for natural coarse aggregate in concrete on workability, compressive strength, split tensile strength, water absorption, and pores has been investigated.

Optimizing Concrete Strength with the Partial Replacement of Aggregate …

ABSTRACT: The coarse aggregate replacement in part with crushed waste ceramic tiles was explored at varying percentages, ranging from 10% to 50%. Simultaneously, granite powder and ceramic tile powder were employed as substitutes for fine aggregate, each at a 10% replacement rate alongside the ceramic coarse tiles.

Characterization of pervious concrete using over burnt brick as coarse …

In the north-eastern part of India, especially in Tripura, the shortage of natural stone aggregate has opened up the field for over burnt brick aggregate to be used as an alternate pavement ...

International Journal of ChemTech Research

At present crushed stone as coarse aggregate may not be available this has forced many people to be using gravel as alternative coarse aggregate.Where crushed stone is available, its high cost as coarse aggregate is a major problem to tackle people in the developing countries like India.The need for the utilization of the natural resources for ...

Experimental Investigation on Partially Additional of Coarse Aggregate

The strength of the concrete mixes containing recycled ceramic waste aggregates was compared to conventional concrete. Compressive strength of concrete made from ceramic waste aggregate is studied with 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% replacement of natural coarse aggregate by ceramic waste aggregate.

Analysis of Over-burned Brick in Concrete as a Coarse Aggregate

The result of partial replacement of natural stone aggregate by crushed over-burnt brick aggregate indicates that there has the significant increment on compressive strength of concrete.


This research study investigates the effect of using recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) as a substitute of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) on the mechanical properties of concrete.