The potential of copper recovery from flotation tailings was experimentally investigated using a laboratory-mixing tank. The experiments were performed with solid weight percentages of 30wt%, 35wt%, 40wt% and 45wt% in water. The measurements revealed that adding sulfuric acid all at once to the tank rapidly increased the efficiency of the …
Copper content of the flotation tailings, which is the most important indicator, ranged from 0.26 to 0.39 percent. Rougher flotation data for individual products from slags slow cooled in the induction furnace and ground for 30 minutes are shown in table 4. Similar copper recovery patterns were obtained in flotation tests made on …
Based on the results, shown in Figure 4, the optimal ratio of S:L for the copper leaching process from. flotation tailings is 1:2.5. The highe st degree of copper leaching of 56% was achieve d in ...
The mass fraction of the total copper of tailings in flotation products was determined through an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, optima 4300 DV, Perkin Elmer). Through the ICP method, a minimum of 0.2 g of the samples are fused at LPG temperature followed by an acidification for conversion into a …
Flowsheet for treatment of Copper Sulfide ores rich inminerals such as chalcopyrite with gold and silver as well as arsenopyrite. The above flowsheet is designed for the treatment by flotation of copper as chalcopyrite with gold and silver values. The ore, ranging from 60-65% silica, with pyrite, arsenopyrite, and calcite with 3 to 4% copper.
A hypothetical optimisation solution assessment showed that SA provides the best set of solutions for the maximisation of rougher copper recovery, obtaining a throughput of 638.02 t/h and a total net gain percentage of 14%–15.5% over the other optimisation algorithms with. a maximum copper recovery of 94.76%.
The batch flotation results indicated that the copper oxide flotation recovery increased from 79.67% to 83.38%, and the grade also raised from 18.08% to 18.14% after using the staged flotation ...
Flotation tailings from copper production are deposits of copper and other valuable metals, such as Mo, V and U. New hydrometallurgical technologies are more economical and open up new possibilities for metal recovery. This work presents results of the study on the extraction of copper by mixed extractant consisting p-toluidine …
The present research aims at recovering copper and cobalt through reprocessing of tailings from flotation of oxidised ores of copper and cobalt achieved at the Kambove Concentrator (DRC). It focuses on the determination of the reagents' dosage that enables obtaining the highest recovery of copper (44.80%) and cobalt (88.30%) …
Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting point, using CH4-H2-Ar mixtures with the aim of ...
In this study concentrations of metals in the native plants and soils surrounding the old flotation tailings pond of the copper mine were determined. It has been established that the soil is ...
The results indicated that integration of Knelson concentrators in the concentration circuit to treat the flotation tailings would significantly improve copper and cobalt recoveries from 65.00% to 86.09% and 67.00% to 86.96%, respectively. Gravity separation; Knelson concentrator; copper–cobalt ore; froth flotation; tailings reprocessing 1.
The total element contents found in the copper tailings are presented in Table 2. The mean phosphorus and potassium contents in the tailings were higher than the averages recorded for relatively poor Polish soils as well as European mean values, which results from the ore beneficiation in a flotation process.
For copper, the flotation tailings are considered low grade ores when contain less than 0.4% copper. This cut-off value may be even higher for other minerals, such as iron (30–40% Fe). The present work shows the application of the 3PC in flotation of "fresh" tailings to recover copper and gold losses at concentrate grades that permit …
In addition, old flotation tailings sometimes have a higher copper grade (0.2–0.4%) than that of low–grade ores (0.2–0.3%) and similar with the original world average copper minerals which contain about 0.4% copper [3,4,5]. Therefore, it becomes very necessary to utilize the flotation tailings constitute a potential future copper …
In addition, it is expected that more tailings will be produced in the coming years due to the increased exploration of low‒grade copper ores. Therefore, this research aims to develop a copper recovery process from flotation tailings using high‒pressure leaching (HPL) followed by solvent extraction.
There have been numerous recent studies investigating the potential for reprocessing tailings ores using froth flotation for a variety of different ore types such as copper (Lutandula and Maloba ...
copper over gold as cupric glycin ate (Cu(Gly) 2) from gol d–copper concentrate at room temperature and with a pH of 10.5–11. How ever, as summarized in Figure 2, obvious gold
It focuses on the determination of the reagents' dosage that enables obtaining the highest recovery of copper (44.80%) and cobalt (88.30%) through flotation of the studied tailings.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.01.063 Corpus ID: 24030416; Investigation of the possibility of copper recovery from the flotation tailings by acid leaching. @article{Antonijevic2008InvestigationOT, title={Investigation of the possibility of copper recovery from the flotation tailings by acid leaching.}, author={Milan M. Antonijevic and …
Flotation is a common mineral processing method used to upgrade copper sulfide ores; in this method, copper sulfide mineral particles are concentrated in froth, and associated gangue minerals are ...
economic to acid heap leach the stockpile. The recovery of these copper minerals by flotation or. hydrometallurgy from ores, typically containing 0.5%TCu (open pit mines) and 1-2%TCu (underground ...
Copper froth flotation tailings containing 1.19 and 0.97 wt% total and acid-soluble copper, respectively, from Chibuluma mines in the Copperbelt province of Zambia were characterized by SEM and XRD techniques. The major phases in the feed material were malachite, chrysocolla, pseudo malachite, chalcocite, quartz, biotite, orthoclase, …
Thin-layer heap bioleaching of copper flotation tailings containing high levels of fine grains was carried out by mixed cultures on a small scale over a period of 210 d. Lump ores as a framework were loaded at the bottom of the ore heap. The overall copper leaching rates of tailings and lump ores were 57.10wt% and 65.52wt%, …
The flotation tailings produced by the copper anode flotation-metallurgy combination process contain a large amount of valuable metal elements. Different metal elements can be separated and recovered by a vacuum distillation-three-stage condensation process. According to the saturated vapor pressure theory and the …
The present study investigated the extraction of gold and copper from gold sulfide flotation tailings using a cyanide-free leaching method, i.e., glycine-ammonia solution in the presence of permanganate. The characterization indicated that the tailings sample contained 1.11% copper, 10.10% iron and 2.1 ppm gold.
The content of iron, silicon, and oxygen in the concentrate is 23.00% lower than that in the tailings, which is due to the magnetite and fayalite entering the tailings during flotation. The tailings contain 0.16% arsenic, 0.47% copper, 0.31% lead and 1.07% zinc, which may interfere with the reutilization of the tailings due to certain safety …
Keywords: Copper tailing, Pyrite recovery, Flotation, Split factor Accumulated recoveries as a time function of the rougher, scavenger, cleaner, and recleaner flotation stages.
Copper tailings are either stored in the dam and/or backfilled. The volume of backfilled materials depends on the mine site's configuration and site information (Section 2.3.2). Backfills also require additional materials and energy consumption, such as cement binder, slags, diesel, and electricity in the operational phase. In the year 2050, it ...
DOI: 10.1016/J.RINENG.2021.100207 Corpus ID: 233815463; Statistical investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery from sulfide flotation tailings @inproceedings{Brest2021StatisticalIO, title={Statistical investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery from sulfide flotation tailings}, author={Kasongo K. …