Tweet. #1. SA200 vs Miller Big 40. 02-05-2007, 05:10 PM. I have been lurking here on the site for a while. It seems like most pipeliners are die hard SA200 fans, primarily because of durability and just the way it works with welding pipe.
Tweet. #1. Miller 450 Duo problems. 02-06-2020, 03:40 AM. I have a 450 duo that flashes 4 blues and no weld. The welder will weld on the side the 280 has problems as long as I am not using the other side,Now the welder will not just quit, it will weld until you are done with weld and will not restart the arc and I get a 4 blue code.
The most powerful T4F diesel engine driven welder in the industry. The Big Blue 800 Duo Pro offers robust output for welding and power generation, and is ideal for dual-operator applications on labor intensive jobsites, or jobsites with limited space.
Comprehensive information on all our welding and safety products. Available for download or by mail.
Hello, I need your help, I have H21 code problem on Miller Big Blue 400 x Pro, No welding output; the power of the generator is correct at the AC current. Please if anyone have the solution I would be grateful.
Help! Miller Big 20. 05-08-2020, 08:58 PM. I recently purchased two Milled Big 20's in the hopes of getting one of them to work and the other for parts. Serial Number is HJ137310 …
Explore MIG welding tips and tricks, training materials, weld calculators and mobile apps to improve your skills.
Miller Electric manufactures a full line of welders and welding related equipment. For information on other quality Miller products, contact your local Miller distributor
A place to talk about how-to, techniques, troubleshooting, welding processes, welders, plasma cutters or other metalworking tools.
Tweet. #1. Miller 40 wont weld, weak arc. 01-31-2009, 03:44 PM. I got a miller big 40 and it wont hardly weld even turned up to 400 amp. It will idle up when when you strike a weld but it is pretty hard to even get it to do that. On high it will burn rod but very weak and has to be cranked up. Is the a way to test the amprage coming of the ...
The generator works fine. Im not doing riddles sir. I crank my machine up and it runs good.the generator works but it wont weld. It starts to pick up then stops. "I have such-n-such machine, serial number blah blah blah. I was welding with 7018, my settings were DCEP, 1,2,3,4, when all of a sudden it stopped welding.
Next-generation, rugged, low-speed diesel engine-driven welder designed for the transmission pipeline contractor. Elevate your performance with Wireless Interface Control — now get full control of your Big Blue 400 PipePro machine in the palm of your hand.
Weld defects are frustrating, but some simple adjustments can help. Follow these tips and best practices for MIG welding troubleshooting.
A place to talk about how-to, techniques, troubleshooting, welding processes, welders, plasma cutters or other metalworking tools.
Find replacement parts and get the most from your Miller products by downloading the specific Owner's Manual for your unit. From safety precautions, operations/setup information, and maintenance to troubleshooting and parts lists, Miller's manuals provide detailed answers to your product questions.
Wire welder feed, but no arc (spark) 10-20-2012, 08:43 PM. I have a millermatic 150 that I bought used a few years ago. It has been an amazing welder. I was welding the other day and in the middle of a bead, it stopped welding. I have had this happen before and waited to let it cool and continued on.
I bought a miller big 20 on an auction for $600 and I love this thing its mounted to the miller trailer and it came with 100ft leads. ive got two questions. I have to use the idle control to idle it up and down. it wont rev up when I strike an arch what could be the issue? also it only has a 110v outlet on
Metalworker Ron Covell shares his best MIG welding tips for beginners, including how to set up your machine and techniques.
Powerful all-in-one tool designed for repair and construction with multiprocess weld quality, auxiliary power, air compressor and battery charge/crank assist.
Big Blue 400 Pro No Weld. Hi, I am new to this forum. We bought a 400 Pro and had it in storage for a while and only recently took it out to do a bit of welding. It has …
miller big blue 300d problems. 06-03-2019, 07:33 PM. Hello wondering if I can get some help with my miller big blue 300d, I replaced the voltage reg, and the main controller after I fried them from jump starting the welder. The machine welded great voltage was great, then I went out one day and started the machine and the voltage side …
Re: Big Blue 400 D CC/CV Wont Strike an Arc. Originally Posted by guajilloweld03. Being CC/CV your machine will not have SR2. Follow trouble shooting guide in owners manual. Check CB7 & CB5 and check brushes & slip rings and field current regulator board PC1. Also check for broken wires, corroded or loose connections.
Re: Miller Big 40 won't weld no AC. RRWITTER, evan hit on one of the more common "no power/weld output" causes but you should also check the tap straps …
Re: Miller BIG 40 wont weld. Bought mine for $100 with a bad water pump, no battery, and not welding. I paid the max of what I thought it was worth. Once fixed, …
The Trailblazer exclusive technologies advanced Auto-Speed™ and optional Excel™ power deliver superior runtimes, increase fuel efficiency, and improve engine-driven welder performance. No other compact machine in the 300-amp class delivers more welding power or more auxiliary power with better fuel efficiency and less noise for productive, …
Designed with the professional in mind, the Big Blue 400 Pro is the best for ease of use, reliability and fuel economy.
My 1970 Miller big 40 will start up and run but won't weld now. Just got done doing some work to the motor but didn't really touch the generator side of it except that I put a new range selector switch in it. Not sure what's wrong was welding before got the switch with the welder old 1 was really lose so put the new 1 in.
MIG welding (GMAW – Gas Metal Arc Welding) is the most common welding process used. Explore Miller MIG welding machines.
Tweet. #1. Big Blue 400p No Weld. 03-20-2024, 03:38 PM. Hey, I acquired a Miller Big Blue 400p CC/CV welder with a bad engine. I rebuilt the engine and it runs very well, the problem is I have little to no weld power with it. The strange part is every so often the voltage comes up and it will weld phenomenal for half an hour or so.